This help page describes the data report for public bodies called ‘energy expenditure'. This report provides graphical and tabular breakdowns of your energy spend data over time.
Note that reporting of energy spend data is optional. The data presented in this report is based on the data reported by your organisation.
- The on-screen report comprises a header, two charts and two tables.
- Name of your organisation and its PSO ID.
- ‘Last year for which data reported’ indicates the most recent year for which data is shown in the report. Note that the data for this year could be incomplete, e.g. because you have not yet inputted some of your data.
- ‘Data status’ indicates how complete the data is for the most recent year.
- The donut chart provides a breakdown of energy spend by mode, i.e. between thermal energy, transport energy and electricity. The data shown is for the last year for which data was reported, as indicated in the report header.
- The stacked bar chart provides a time series of the same data, from 2020 onwards.
- The first table shows energy spend reported for each year from 2020 onwards, broken down by the energy types for which the expenditure was reported, and aggregated by mode.
- The second table shows the average unit price in €/kWh for each energy type for each year from 2020 onwards. Note that if you choose to report partial energy spend data (e.g. spend for some energy types but not others), this can give rise to confusing or potentially misleading results in this table because average unit prices are calculated on the basis of partial spend data.
- The data reports page includes additional information on features that are common to many of the data reports, including this one.
- The SEAI reference for this data report is PSO-R31. Please include this reference if you are contacting the helpdesk with a query relating to this report.
- Use data input screen energy spend to report expenditure on energy (optional).