This help page describes the M&R data input screen for public bodies called ‘Energy projects’. Use this screen to report details of energy-saving projects that your organisation has implemented or plans to implement.
If you have no more energy-saving projects to report, tick the box ‘Our organisation has no projects to add’ and click ‘Save & continue’.
Use the ‘Add a project' button to add a new energy-saving project.
Use the ‘Bulk add/edit' button to upload multiple projects from a spreadsheet template.
If there is a table shown, you can review the projects that you have already reported. You can filter the table between implemented and future projects using the buttons above the table.
Use the buttons on the right of the table to view, edit or delete a project.
To add a project, click the green ‘Add a project’ button and complete the dialogue, noting that there are two tabs.
Note and that the fields with asterisks are mandatory. See table below for detailed breakdown of mandatory and optional data reporting requirements for projects of different status.
‘Project details’ tab
Name*: this must be unique, i.e. you cannot use the same name for multiple projects.
Location*: building, room or other location at which project was (or will be) implemented.
Status*: see dedicated guidance below. Note that several subsequent fields become mandatory or optional depending on your choice of project status.
Type* and sub-type*: choose from the drop-down menus. Note that the options in the ‘Sub-type’ menu are dependent on your choice for the ‘Type’ menu.
Implementation year*depending on project status: the year in which the project was (or will be) completed.
Duration of savings*depending on project status: number of years after the implementation year for which the energy savings arising from the project will last.
Tags: you can add your own user-defined tags to projects.
Verification methodology*depending on project status: choose the option that best describes how the savings were (will be) verified. Measurement and verification is the process of using measurement to reliably determine the energy savings achieved from a project.
Cost: total cost of the project, in euro.
Can SEAI use as a case study’: if you tick this box, SEAI may choose to showcase your project via a case study, and may contact you for additional details.
Scale*depending on project status: select the option that is most relevant. You can only complete this field for future projects.
Readiness*depending on project status: choose the project readiness status that best matches the status of the project. You can only complete this field for future projects.
Other info: optionally provide other information about the project.
Energy savings' tab
Energy savings by energy type*depending on project status: you must report energy savings for all projects, except those with a status of ‘potential opportunity’. See dedicated guidance below.
Click ‘Save’.
¶ I want to add multiple projects from a spreadsheet
To add multiple projects, you must use the designated M&R spreadsheet template.
If you have not already done so, you must first download the template by clicking ‘Download’.
The template will include details of any previously reported projects.
Complete the template by adding additional projects to the ‘projects’ worksheet, as required.
Use one row for each project.
You must enter the word ‘New’ (without quotes) in the ID column (column A).
The data input requirements are as outlined above for ‘I want to add a single project’. Note that you must include all mandatory data. The mandatory data fields depend on the project status for which you are reporting, i.e. implemented, planned, tentative, potential opportunity. See table below for detailed breakdown of mandatory and optional data reporting requirements for projects of different status.
It is important to follow the template structure to ensure that all projects are added correctly.
When you have completed the template, save it and upload it by clicking ‘Bulk add/edit projects’.
The upload will be processed in accordance with the upload rules for projects, which are described in the key rules section below.
The result of the upload operation will be sent to you via email.
The projects that have been uploaded successfully will appear in the main table on the ‘Energy projects’ screen.
There are four options for project status. The option you select for project status affects whether certain fields are mandatory. It also affects how the data you report is used in calculations and published by SEAI.
‘Implemented’: the project has already been implemented. You must report an implementation year and energy savings. SEAI may publish details of this project.
‘Planned’: the project is planned for implementation in a specific future year. You must report an implementation year and energy savings. This project is included in the with-planned-projects (WPP) scenario calculated for your organisation. SEAI may publish details of this project.
‘Tentative’: the project may be implemented in a specific future year. You must report an implementation year and energy savings. This project is not included in the WPP scenario calculated for your organisation. SEAI will not publish details of this project.
‘Potential opportunity’: the project may be implemented at some future time. You do not have to report an implementation year or energy savings. This project is not included in the WPP scenario calculated for your organisation. SEAI will not publish details of this project.
When uploading projects your upload file must be in the correct format (which is available via download).
If your upload file contains any new projects these are appended to your project list.
A row containing a new project to be uploaded must contain the word ‘New’ (without quotes) in the ID column (column A).
If your upload file omits projects that already exist in the system, no change is made to these projects in the system, i.e. deleting a project from a spreadsheet template and then uploading the template will not delete the project from the system. You can only delete a project from within the software system.
If your upload file contains different valid data for a project that already exists in the system, the existing data is overwritten by data in the upload file.
If your upload file omits valid data for one or more mandatory data fields, the project is not added and an error is reported for the relevant data field(s).
If your upload file omits valid data for one or more non-mandatory data fields, the project is added and the field value is set to null.