This help page describes the M&R data input screen for public bodies called ‘Vehicles’. Use this screen to maintain an up to date inventory of your vehicles and to report details of vehicle procurements.
For methodology guidance on reporting vehicles and vehicle procurements, see vehicles (methodology), vehicle procurement contracts and vehicle procurement drawdowns.
- This screen comprises three green tabs.
- ‘Vehicle inventory’ is for maintaining your organisation's current inventory of vehicles.
- 'Vehicle procurement contracts' is for reporting any contracts your organisation has (or had) in place for procuring vehicles.
- ‘Vehicle procurement drawdowns’ is for reporting the drawdown of specific quantities of vehicles as part of a single addition to your fleet.
- If your organisation has no vehicles and no vehicle procurements, enter zero for all categories of vehicle shown in the table for the most recent year. Then click ‘Save & continue’, ‘Continue’ and ‘Continue’.
- Use the vehicle inventory tab to provide a simple a breakdown of your organisation's vehicle fleet by vehicle category, at the end of the most recent calendar year.
For a description of the vehicle categories, see vehicles (methodology).
- Enter the number of vehicles in your organisation's inventory as of 31 December of the last calendar year, broken down by the vehicle categories shown in the table.
- By default, the table shows the most common vehicle categories. You can add less common categories, including heavier vehicles using the ‘Add another vehicle category button’.
- Enter zero if your organisation does not have any vehicles in a specific category in a specific year.
- Reporting data for years prior to 2023 is optional.
- You must use the designated M&R spreadsheet template.
- If you have not already done so, you must first download the template by clicking ‘Download’.
- The template will include details of any previously reported vehicles.
- Complete the template by editing values in the year columns.
- Do not edit data in the category or group columns. It is important to follow the template structure to ensure that all contracts are added correctly.
- When you have completed the template, save it and upload it by clicking ‘Upload’.
- The upload will be processed in accordance with the upload rules for vehicle inventory, which are described in the key rules section below.
- The result of the upload operation will be sent to you via email.
- The updated inventory details will be shown in the ‘Vehicle inventory’ tab.
- Click ‘Download’.
- Enter the email address to which you want the download spreadsheet to be issued.
- Click ‘Download’.
- You will receive an email with a spreadsheet attachment containing your vehicle inventory data.
If you have previously reported a vehicle procurement contract, a table of contracts is shown.
- To add a contract, click the green ‘Add contract’ button.
- Complete the vehicle procurement contract fields fields in the dialogue, noting that the fields with asterisks are mandatory.
- Click ‘Save’.
- The new contract will appear in the table on the screen.
- To add multiple contracts, you must use the designated M&R spreadsheet template.
- If you have not already done so, you must first download the template by clicking ‘Download’.
- The template will include details of any previously reported vehicle procurement contracts.
- Complete the template by adding additional contracts to the ‘contracts’ worksheet, as required.
- Use one row for each contract.
- You must enter the word ‘New’ (without quotes) in the ID column (column A).
- The data input requirements are as outlined above for ‘I want to add a single contract’. It is important to follow the template structure to ensure that all contracts are added correctly.
- When you have completed the template, save it and upload it by clicking ‘Upload’.
- The upload will be processed in accordance with the upload rules for vehicle procurements, which are described in the key rules section below.
- The result of the upload operation will be sent to you via email.
- The contracts that have been uploaded successfully will appear in the ‘Vehicle procurement contracts’ tab.
- Find the contract in the table and click on the view button (eye) in the right-hand column.
- Review the data in the dialogue.
- Click ‘Cancel’.
- Find the contract in the table and click on the edit button in the right-hand column.
- Edit the data in the dialogue, noting the fields with asterisks are mandatory.
- Click ‘Save’.
- Note that you cannot edit a contract that relates to the procurement of vehicles for your organisation by another public body. These contracts are indicated via an ‘i’ icon in the left-hand column in the table.
- Click ‘Download’.
- Enter the email address to which you want the download spreadsheet to be issued.
- Click ‘Download’.
- You will receive an email with a spreadsheet attachment containing your contract data.
- Find the contract in the table and click on the delete button in the right-hand column.
- Click ‘Delete’ or ‘Cancel’.
- Note that if you delete a contract, any drawdowns previously reported for the contract will also be deleted.
- Note that you cannot delete a contract that relates to the procurement of vehicles for your organisation by another public body. These contracts are indicated via an ‘i’ icon in the left-hand column in the table.
- If you have no additional procurement contracts to report, click ‘Continue’
If you have previously reported a vehicle procurement drawdown, a table of drawdowns is shown.
- Every drawdown must be linked to a specific contract, so if you have not already reported the vehicle procurement contract (see guidance above) you should do so before attempting to report the drawdown.
- To add a drawdown, click the green ‘Add drawdown’ button.
- Complete the vehicle procurement drawdown fields in the dialogue, noting that the fields with asterisks are mandatory.
- Click ‘Save’.
- The new drawdown will appear in the table on the screen.
¶ I want to add a single drawdown on behalf of another public body
- Note that you should only do this if your organisation wishes to report vehicle(s) that have been procured by your organisation on behalf of another public body.
- To add a , click the green ‘Add drawdown’ button.
- Complete the dialogue, noting that the fields with asterisks are mandatory.
- Click ‘These vehicle(s) were drawn down for another public body’
- Select the other public body from the dropdown list.
- Click ‘Save’.
- The new drawdown will appear in the table on the screen. It will also appear in the corresponding table for the public body for which you have reported.
- To add multiple drawdowns, you must use the designated M&R spreadsheet template.
- If you have not already done so, you must first download the template by clicking ‘Download’.
- The template will include details of any previously reported vehicle procurement drawdowns.
- Complete the template by adding additional drawdowns to the ‘drawdowns’ worksheet, as required.
- Use one row for each drawdown.
- You must enter the word ‘New’ (without quotes) in the ID column (column A).
- The data input requirements are as outlined above for ‘I want to add a single drawdown’. It is important to follow the template structure to ensure that all drawdowns are added correctly.
- When you have completed the template, save it and upload it by clicking ‘Upload’.
- The upload will be processed in accordance with the upload rules for vehicle procurements, which are described in the key rules section below.
- The result of the upload operation will be sent to you via email.
- The drawdowns that have been uploaded successfully will appear in the ‘Vehicle procurement drawdowns’ tab.
- Note that you can only add drawdowns for contract(s) that have already been entered into the system. It is not possible to upload a new contract and its constituent drawdown(s) via the same upload action. You must undertake these steps sequentially, i.e. contract first, then drawdown(s).
- Note that in order to upload drawdowns, the relevant contract(s) must already be in the system. It is not possible to upload a new contract and its constituent drawdown(s) via the same upload action.
- To add drawdowns for contract(s) that have not already been reported, you should undertake the following steps in sequence:
- Add relevant contracts on screen or via spreadsheet upload.
- Confirm that the contracts are on the system. See ‘I want to add a single contract’ and ‘I want to add multiple contracts from a spreadsheet’ above.
- Add the relevant drawdowns on screen or via spreadsheet upload.
- Find the drawdown in the table and click on the view button (eye) in the right-hand column.
- Review the data in the dialogue.
- Click ‘Cancel’.
- Find the drawdown in the table and click on the edit button in the right-hand column.
- Edit the data in the dialogue, noting the fields with asterisks are mandatory.
- Click ‘Save’.
- Note that you cannot edit a drawdown that relates to the procurement of vehicles for your organisation by another public body. These drawdowns are indicated via an ‘i’ icon in the left-hand column in the table.
- Click ‘Download’.
- Enter the email address to which you want the download spreadsheet to be issued.
- Click ‘Download’.
- You will receive an email with a spreadsheet attachment containing your drawdown data.
- Find the drawdown in the table and click on the delete button in the right-hand column.
- Click ‘Delete’ or ‘Cancel’.
- Note that if you delete a drawdown, the corresponding contract is not deleted.
- Note that you cannot delete a drawdown that relates to the procurement of vehicles for your organisation by another public body. These drawdowns are indicated via an ‘i’ icon in the left-hand column in the table.
- If you have no additional drawdowns to report, click ‘Continue’
- You must update the vehicle inventory each year.
- The update should account for your vehicle fleet as of 31 December of the last calendar year.
- When uploading vehicles your upload file must be in the correct format (which is available via download).
- If your upload file contains inventory quantities for categories and/or years that were not previously reported for, these are added to the vehicle inventory in the M&R system.
- If your upload file contains any rows that were not in the download template, these will not be uploaded, i.e. they will be ignored.
- If your upload file contains different inventory quantities to those that already exist in the M&R system, the existing data in the system is overwritten by data in the upload file.
- When uploading vehicle procurement contracts your upload file must be in the correct format (which is available via download).
- If your upload file contains any new contracts these are appended to your list of contracts.
- A row containing a new contract to be uploaded must contain the word ‘New’ (without quotes) in the ID column (column A).
- If your upload file omits contracts that already exist in the system, no change is made to these contracts in the system, i.e. deleting a contract from a spreadsheet template and then uploading the template will not delete the contract from the system. You can only delete a contract from within the software system.
- If your upload file contains different valid data for a contract that already exists in the system, the existing data is overwritten by data in the upload file.
- If your upload file omits valid data for one or more mandatory data fields, the contract is not added and an error is reported for the relevant data field(s).
- If your upload file omits valid data for one or more non-mandatory data fields, the contract is added and the field value is set to null.
- You can only upload vehicle procurement drawdowns for contract(s) that have already been entered into the system, i.e. the contract(s) must already be in the system.
- When uploading drawdowns your upload file must be in the correct format (which is available via download).
- If your upload file contains any new drawdowns these are appended to your list of drawdowns.
- A row containing a new drawdown to be uploaded must contain the word ‘New’ (without quotes) in the ID column (column A).
- If your upload file omits drawdowns that already exist in the system, no change is made to these drawdowns in the system, i.e. deleting a drawdown from a spreadsheet template and then uploading the template will not delete the drawdown from the system. You can only delete a drawdown from within the software system.
- If your upload file contains different valid data for a drawdown that already exists in the system, the existing data is overwritten by data in the upload file.
- If your upload file omits valid data for one or more mandatory data fields, the drawdown is not added and an error is reported for the relevant data field(s).
- If your upload file omits valid data for one or more non-mandatory data fields, the drawdown is added and the field value is set to null.