This help page describes the M&R data input screen for public bodies called ‘Choose activity metrics'. Use this screen to specify the activity metric(s) used to calculate your organisation's energy performance (energy efficiency) over time.
For methodology guidance on activity metrics, see activity metrics.
- Green tab(s) on the left indicate the activity metric period(s). By default, all public bodies, except local authorities, are configured by SEAI to use one activity metric period. By default, all local authorities are configured by SEAI to use two activity metric periods. If you click on a tab, you can select activity metric(s) for that period.
- The list on the left shows the ‘Activity metric(s) used to calculate your energy performance’. This/these are the activity metrics used by your organisation for tracking its energy performance (energy efficiency) for the selected activity metric period.
- The list on the right shows the ‘Other activity metrics’ that are available for you to use, but which have not been selected.
- This screen is visible to all users.
- If you want to continue to track your energy performance using the same activity metric(s) used when you last reported, all you need to do is check that your data is correct and click ‘Save & continue’.
- Select an activity from the list on the right-hand side by clicking the box adjacent to it.
- Deselect an activity metric from the list on the left-hand side by clicking the red 'x' symbol.
- A shortlist of activity metric options for your organisation is presented on the right-hand side.
- If a ‘Define new activity metric’ button is visible at the bottom right of the screen, you can click it to define your own activity metric. If this button is not visible and you want to be able to define your own metric, use the ‘Request to define own activity metric’ link at the top of the screen. After an initial review of your request, SEAI will contact you by email and will likely ask for additional information to get an understanding of the key drivers of energy consumption in your organisation. If SEAI concludes that defining your own activity metric is appropriate for your organisation’s circumstances, SEAI will then configure system accordingly and the button will become visible. This process could involve a few rounds of communication with you.
- Click the ‘Define new activity metric’ button and assign a name and reporting unit for your new activity metric.
- Once you have defined a new activity metric, it appears in the ‘Other activity metrics’ list and you can select it in the normal way.
- You can delete user-defined activity metrics from the list using the delete icon.
- A composite activity metric is an activity metric that is based on more than one activity. To create a composite activity metric, you must be able to define your own activity metric (see above).
- Select the activity metric period (green tab) for which you want to use the composite.
- Select the activities that you want to incorporate into the composite metric from the list on the right-hand side.
- Enter weightings for each selected activity. The sum of the weightings must equal 100%.
- Activity metric periods are indicated via the green tab(s) on the left , e.g. 2009-2024.
- Additional activity metric periods must be configured by SEAI.
- If you wish to request an additional activity metric period for your organisation, use the ‘Request additional activity metric period’ link at the top of the screen. After an initial review of your request, SEAI will contact you by email and will likely ask for additional information to get an understanding how the key drivers of energy consumption in your organisation have changed over time. If SEAI concludes that an additional activity metric period is appropriate for your organisation’s circumstances, SEAI will then configure another activity metric period for your organisation on the M&R system. This process will likely involve a few rounds of communication with you.
- You must select at least one activity metric for each activity metric period.
- Only deselect an activity metric if your organisation no longer wishes to use it for activity metric period.
- Activity metrics are used for tracking your progress towards the energy efficiency target only. They are not used for tracking your progress towards the greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets.