This help page describes the data report for public bodies called ‘GPRNs (gas) - consumption & CO2'. This report shows meter-level consumption and emissions data for your largest natural gas meters (GPRNs).
For detailed background information on how GPRN data is reported via the M&R system see MPRNs & GPRNs.
- The on-screen report comprises a header and two tabs, each of which contains a data table and a chart. It shows annual data for your largest GPRNs.
- There is also a comprehensive spreadsheet report available via the ‘Export to Excel’ button. It contains annual and monthly data for all your GPRNs.
- Name of your organisation and its PSO ID.
- ‘Last year for which data reported’ indicates the most recent year for which data is shown in the report. Note that the data for this year could be incomplete, e.g. because you have not yet inputted some of your data.
- ‘Data status’ indicates how complete the data is for the most recent year.
This tab provides GPRN-level final energy consumption data for the largest natural gas meters.
The consumption data shown is in kilowatt-hours (kWh) on a net calorific value basis. This consumption unit is different to that used on natural gas bills, which is kWh on a gross calorific value basis (kWh gross). Because the units are different, the values shown in the report are lower than those shown on bills, even though they correspond to the same quantities of energy.
- There are five dropdown filters immediately above the table: GPRN; location; type; county; tags.
- You can use these to select which GPRNs to display in the table and chart.
- You can combine options from multiple dropdowns to select the GPRNs you want to view.
- The table and chart show the 10 largest GPRNs that match your selection criteria.
- If you do not select any dropdown options, the table and chart display your 10 largest GPRNs.
- The table shows the final energy consumption attributable to your organisation for the largest 10 GPRNs that meet your selection criteria. The GPRNs are listed in descending order of consumption.
- The consumption data is presented in kWh (net).
- You can adjust the years displayed in the table using the period control.
- The 'share of gas' indicates the share of your organisation's consumption of natural gas accounted for by the GPRN. The share is calculated for the latest year for which GPRN consumption data is available.
- The colours indicate how each GPRN's consumption has changed over the years displayed. The reddest red indicates the highest consumption for that GPRN, while the greenest green indicates the lowest consumption. Note that the colour variation is based on the years currently displayed in the table, so if you change the period shown the colour shade also changes.
- The chart shows the final energy consumption attributable to your organisation for the largest 10 GPRNs that meet your selection criteria.
- The consumption data is presented in kWh (net), from the first year for which GPRN data is available onwards.
This tab provides GPRN-level CO2 emissions data for the largest natural gas meters.
- There are five dropdown filters immediately above the table: GPRN; location; type; county; tags.
- You can use these to select which GPRNs to display in the table and chart.
- You can combine options from multiple dropdowns to select the GPRNs you want to view.
- The table and chart show the 10 largest GPRNs that match your selection criteria.
- If you do not select any dropdown options, the table and chart display your 10 largest GPRNs.
- The table shows the CO2 emissions attributable to your organisation for the largest 10 GPRNs that meet your selection criteria. The GPRNs are listed in descending order of consumption.
- The CO2 emissions data is presented in kgCO2.
- You can adjust the years displayed in the table using the period control.
- The 'share of gas' indicates the share of your organisation's consumption of natural gas accounted for by the GPRN. The share is calculated for the latest year for which GPRN consumption data is available.
- The colours indicate how each GPRN's CO2 emissions have changed over the years displayed. The reddest red indicates the highest emissions for that GPRN, while the greenest green indicates the lowest emissions. Note that the colour variation is based on the years currently displayed in the table, so if you change the period shown the colour shade also changes.
- The chart shows the CO2 emissions attributable to your organisation for the largest 10 GPRNs that meet your selection criteria.
- The CO2 emissions data is presented in kgCO2, from the first year for which GPRN data is available onwards.
The spreadsheet report is available to download via the ‘Export to Excel’ button at the top of the screen. It contains ten data worksheets.
- This worksheet shows the annual final energy consumption attributable to your organisation for each of your GPRNs.
- The consumption data is presented in kWh (net), from the first year for which GPRN data is available onwards.
- This worksheet shows the annual weather-adjusted final energy consumption attributable to your organisation for each of your GPRNs.
- The consumption data is presented in kWh (net), from the first year for which GPRN data is available onwards.
For an explanation of weather adjustment, see ‘weather-adjusted final energy consumption’ in energy & CO2.
- This worksheet shows the annual primary energy energy attributable to your organisation for each of your GPRNs.
- The consumption data is presented in kWh (net), from the first year for which GPRN data is available onwards.
For an explanation of primary energy, see ‘primary energy requirement’ in energy & CO2.
- This worksheet shows the annual CO2 emissions attributable to your organisation for each of your GPRNs.
- The emissions data is presented in kgCO2, from the first year for which GPRN data is available onwards.
- This worksheet shows the annual final energy consumption attributable to your organisation for each of your GPRNs - in the units in which natural gas is billed.
- The consumption data is presented in kWh (gross), from the first year for which GPRN data is available onwards.
- This worksheet shows the validation status and % attributable reported by your organisation for each GPRN for each year.
For a detailed explanation of GPRN validation and attributable consumption, see relevant sections in MPRNs & GPRNs.
- The data reports page includes additional information on features that are common to many of the data reports, including this one.
- Data report gas meters (GPRNs) - no data provided by meter operator lists any gas meters for which natural gas consumption data was not provided to SEAI by Gas Networks Ireland.
- The SEAI reference for this data report is PSO-R19. Please include this reference if you are contacting the helpdesk with a query relating to this report.