This help page describes the data report for public bodies called ‘Energy & GHG targets - key indicators'. This report shows key performance indicators for your organisation's progress towards the energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions targets. It also shows how your emissions and energy efficiency have changed over time. Note that this report is also published by SEAI as your organisation's annual energy statement after the completion of each M&R reporting cycle.
- This report comprises a header followed by four main sections, one below another.
- You can use the controls in the header to specify which year's results are shown, and to choose the display unit.
- The first section below the header (top section) shows three tiles across the screen. They display key indicators with respect to your organisation's progress towards the two 2030 CO2 targets and the 2030 energy efficiency target.
- The second section shows three charts, one below another, each of which provides more detailed data with respect to these targets.
- The third section shows three charts, side by side, which illustrate the projected impact of planned energy-saving projects on your emissions and energy performance.
- The fourth (bottom) section shows how your organisation's thermal, transport, electricity and total energy consumption and emissions have changed since the previous year.
- This tile presents your organisation's fossil CO2 emissions and fossil CO2 target, and provides commentary on your progress to date. Fossil CO2 refers to CO2 emissions arising from your organisation's consumption of fossil fuels, including for heating (thermal) and transport.
- The first sentence indicates how your fossil CO2 has changed since your GHG baseline.
- The '202X' figure shows your fossil CO2 for the relevant year. Green indicates that fossil CO2 is on a general trajectory towards achieving the target. Red indicates that fossil CO2 is not yet on a trajectory that is consistent with meeting the target.
- The '2030 target' figure shows your 2030 fossil CO2 target. This is the maximum level of fossil CO2 emissions below which your organisation must operate in 2030, i.e., to achieve the target, fossil CO2 in 2030 must be less than or equal to this amount.
- The first sentence below the target value indicates if additional reductions are required to achieve the target. The second sentence indicates the projected impact of any planned energy projects that your organisation has reported via M&R.
For an explanation of the fossil CO2 target, see 2030 greenhouse gas targets.
- This tile presents your organisation's total CO2 emissions and fossil CO2 target, and provides commentary on your progress to date. Total CO2 refers to CO2 emissions arising from your organisation's consumption of fossil fuels and electricity.
- The first sentence indicates how your total CO2 has changed since your GHG baseline.
- The '202X' figure shows your total CO2 for the relevant year. Green indicates that total CO2 is on a general trajectory towards achieving the target. Red indicates that total CO2 is not yet on a trajectory that is consistent with meeting the target.
- The '2030 target' figure shows your 2030 total CO2 target. This is the maximum level of total CO2 emissions below which your organisation must operate in 2030, i.e., to achieve the target, total CO2 in 2030 must be less than or equal to this amount.
- The first sentence below the target value indicates if additional reductions are required to achieve the target. The second sentence indicates the projected impact of any planned energy projects that your organisation has reported via M&R.
For an explanation of the total CO2 target, see 2030 greenhouse gas targets.
- This tile shows how your organisation's energy performance, as tracked using an organisation-level energy performance indicator (EnPI), has changed over time. An EnPI is a way of measuring your organisation’s energy performance. It is calculated by dividing your total energy consumption by an activity metric. A decreasing EnPI is an indicator of improving energy efficiency. And vice versa.
- The first sentence indicates how your energy efficiency has changed since your energy efficiency baseline.
- The chart shows your organisation's EnPI (light purple) and a dashed trajectory from your energy efficiency baseline to the 2030 energy efficiency target. For any given year, if the EnPI is below the dashed trajectory line, your organisation is broadly on track to achieve its energy efficiency target. And vice versa.
- The label on the chart shows the improvement or deterioration in efficiency as calculated for the most recent year. Green indicates that energy performance is on a general trajectory towards achieving the target. Red indicates that performance is not yet on a trajectory that is consistent with meeting the target.
- The first sentence below the chart indicates if additional improvements in energy efficiency are required to achieve the target. The second sentence indicates the projected impact of any planned energy projects that your organisation has reported via M&R.
- Note that the chart on this tile only displays your organisation's energy performance from 2009 onwards. If your organisation uses an earlier energy efficiency baseline, the period prior to 2009 is not shown in this small chart. The full time series is shown in a full-width chart further down the page.
For an explanation of the energy efficiency target, see 2030 energy efficiency target.
- This chart shows your organisation's fossil CO2 emissions over time and its progress towards the 2030 fossil CO2 target. Fossil CO2 refers to CO2 emissions arising from your organisation's consumption of fossil fuels, including for heating (thermal) and transport.
- The fossil emissions are broken down between thermal (brown) and transport (orange) and are shown for every year since the start of your energy efficiency baseline period. For almost all organisations, the energy efficiency baseline period is several years before the GHG baseline period.
- The baseline fossil CO2 emissions are indicated with a solid horizontal navy line that spans the GHG baseline period. This is the baseline level from which your 2030 fossil CO2 target is calculated.
- The 2030 fossil CO2 target is shown on the right-hand side of the chart, and also by a dashed horizontal line across the chart. This is the maximum level of fossil CO2 emissions below which your organisation must operate in 2030, i.e., to achieve the target, fossil CO2 in 2030 must be less than or equal to this amount.
- The dashed navy line from the GHG baseline to the 2030 target is a trajectory to the target based on a constant reduction in fossil CO2 from baseline to the target.
- If the chart shows that fossil CO2 is below the sloped trajectory line (dashed navy), your organisation is broadly on track to achieve its fossil CO2 target. And vice versa.
- The gap to the 2030 fossil CO2 target is indicated immediately to the right of the chart. Positive values indicate a gap to the target. To achieve the target, fossil CO2 must reduce by this amount by 2030.
- This chart shows your organisation's total CO2 emissions over time and its progress towards the 2030 total CO2 target. Total CO2 refers to CO2 emissions arising from your organisation's consumption of fossil fuels and electricity.
- The total emissions are broken down between thermal (brown), transport (orange) and electricity (blue) and are shown for every year since the start of your energy efficiency baseline period. Note that for almost all organisations, the energy efficiency baseline period is several years before the GHG baseline period.
- The baseline total CO2 emissions are indicated with a solid horizontal navy line that spans the GHG baseline period. This is the baseline level from which your 2030 total CO2 target is calculated.
- The 2030 total CO2 target is shown on the right-hand side of the chart, and also by a dashed horizontal line across the chart. This is the maximum level of total CO2 emissions below which your organisation must operate in 2030, i.e., to achieve the target, total CO2 in 2030 must be less than or equal to this amount.
- The dashed navy line from the GHG baseline to the 2030 target is a trajectory to the target that accounts for anticipated changes to the CO2 intensity of Ireland's electricity grid.
- If the chart shows that total CO2 is below the sloped trajectory line (dashed navy), your organisation is broadly on track to achieve its total CO2 target. And vice versa.
- The gap to the 2030 total CO2 target is indicated immediately to the right of the chart. Positive values indicate a gap to the target. To achieve the target, total CO2 must reduce by this amount by 2030.
- This chart shows how your organisation's energy performance, as tracked using an organisation-level energy performance indicator (EnPI), has changed over time. An EnPI is a way of measuring your organisation’s energy performance. It is calculated by dividing your total energy consumption by an activity metric. A decreasing EnPI is an indicator of improving energy efficiency. And vice versa.
- The EnPI (light purple) is expressed on a normalised basis, where the value at the energy efficiency baseline period is set to 100 and values for subsequent years are expressed relative to 100.
- The baseline value (100) is indicated for the energy efficiency baseline period. This is the baseline level from which your 2030 energy efficiency target is calculated. Note that for almost all organisations, the energy efficiency baseline period is several years before the GHG baseline period.
- The 2030 energy efficiency target is shown on the right-hand side of the chart, and also by a dashed horizontal line across the chart. To achieve the target, the EnPI must be less than or equal to this value by 2030.
- The dashed navy line from the energy efficiency baseline to the 2030 target is a trajectory to the target based on a constant improvement in energy efficiency from baseline to the target.
- If the chart shows that the EnPI is below the sloped trajectory line (dashed navy), your organisation is broadly on track to achieve its energy efficiency target. And vice versa.
- The gap to the 2030 energy efficiency target is indicated immediately to the right of the chart. Positive values indicate a gap to the target. To achieve the target, the EnPI must reduce by this amount by 2030.
This section summarises the projected future impact of planned energy-saving projects that your organisation has reported via M&R. These projections of future performance incorporate several assumptions and simplifying calculations, which are described at ‘With-planned-projects (WPP) scenario’ in Energy projects.
- The left-hand bar (202X) shows your organisation's actual fossil CO2 emissions for the year indicated.
- The right-hand bar (2030 WPP) shows a projection for your organisation's 2030 fossil CO2 emissions, taking account of any planned projects that you have reported for implementation between 202X and 2030.
- The light dashed line indicates the 2030 fossil CO2 target.
- The dark dashed line indicates business-as-usual (BAU) fossil CO2. (BAU assumes that: (1) your final energy consumption remains constant between the reporting year and 2030; (2) emission factors change in line with SEAI forecasts to 2030. These forecasts incorporate several variables and assumptions, and are refined periodically.)
- The text below the chart indicates the impact of any planned projects on bridging the gap to your 2030 fossil CO2 target.
- The left-hand bar (202X) shows your organisation's actual total CO2 emissions for the year indicated.
- The right-hand bar (2030 WPP) shows a projection for your organisation's 2030 total CO2 emissions, taking account of any planned projects that you have reported for implementation between 202X and 2030, and of projected changes to the emission factor for grid electricity.
- The light dashed line indicates the 2030 total CO2 target.
- The dark dashed line indicates business-as-usual (BAU) total CO2. (BAU assumes that: (1) your final energy consumption remains constant between the reporting year and 2030; (2) emission factors change in line with SEAI forecasts to 2030. These forecasts incorporate several variables and assumptions, and are refined periodically.)
- The text below the chart indicates the impact of any planned projects on bridging the gap to your 2030 total CO2 target.
- The left-hand bar (202X) shows your organisation's actual EnPI for the year indicated.
- The right-hand bar (2030 WPP) shows a projection for your organisation's 2030 EnPI, taking account of any planned projects that you have reported for implementation between 202X and 2030, and of projected changes to the efficiency of Ireland's electricity network.
- The light dashed line indicates the 2030 energy efficiency target.
- The dark dashed line indicates business-as-usual (BAU) EnPI. (BAU assumes that: (1) your final energy consumption remains constant between the reporting year and 2030; (2) your activity levels remain constant between the reporting year and 2030; (3) the primary energy conversion factor for grid electricity changes in line with SEAI forecasts to 2030. These forecasts incorporate several variables and assumptions, and are refined periodically.)
- The text below the chart indicates the impact of any planned projects on bridging the gap to your 2030 energy efficiency target.
- This tile presents your organisation's thermal energy consumption and associated CO2 emissions for the reporting year and the previous year. Thermal energy refers to fossil and renewable fuels (liquids, gases & solids) that are used for heating and other non-transport purposes.
- The final energy shown is the fuel used directly by your organisation. It excludes energy lost during transformation processes such as oil refining.
- The primary energy shown accounts for energy that is consumed and/or lost in transformation, including oil refining.
- The CO2 emissions shown are those arising from the consumption of thermal energy.
- The data presented in this tile does not include consumption or CO2 relating to any electricity used for thermal applications (heat). Such consumption and CO2 is included in the electricity tile.
- This tile presents your organisation's transport energy consumption and associated CO2 emissions for the reporting year and the previous year. Transport energy refers to fossil and renewable fuels (liquids, gases & solids) that are used in vehicles of all types.
- The final energy shown is the transport fuel used directly by your organisation. It excludes energy lost during transformation processes such as oil refining.
- The primary energy shown accounts for energy that is consumed and/or lost in transformation, including oil refining.
- The CO2 emissions shown are those arising from the consumption of transport energy.
- The data presented in this tile does not include consumption or CO2 relating to any electricity used for transport. Such consumption and CO2 is included in the electricity tile.
- This tile presents your organisation's electricity consumption and associated CO2 emissions for the reporting year and the previous year. It includes electricity generated from fossil and renewable sources.
- The final energy shown is the electricity used directly by the organisation. It excludes energy lost during transformation processes such as electricity generation.
- The primary energy shown accounts for energy that is consumed and/or lost in transformation, including electricity generation.
- The CO2 emissions shown are those arising from the consumption of electricity.
- The data presented in this tile includes consumption and CO2 relating to electricity used for thermal (heat) and transport.
- This tile presents your organisation's total consumption and associated CO2 emissions for the reporting year and the previous year. It includes thermal energy, transport fuels & electricity, from fossil and renewable sources.
- The final energy shown is the energy used directly by your organisation. It excludes energy lost during transformation processes such as oil refining and electricity generation.
- The primary energy shown accounts for energy that is consumed and/or lost in transformation, including oil refining and electricity generation.
- The CO2 emissions shown are those arising from the consumption of fossil fuels (thermal and transport) and electricity.
- The data reports page includes additional information on features that are common to many of the data reports, including this one.
- The SEAI reference for this data report is PSO-R03. Please include this reference if you are contacting the helpdesk with a query relating to this report.