This help page provides guidance on completing section 3.4 'Green Public Procurement' of your organisation's Statement on compliance with the 2024 Climate Action Mandate.
§3.4 Green Public Procurement
Implement Green Public Procurement, using the EPA Green Public Procurement Guidance and criteria/Office of Government Procurement’s online Green Public Procurement Criteria Search tool as resources
GPP criteria can be included in the procurement process when defining the subject matter of the contract, in exclusion grounds and selection criteria, as technical specifications, as qualitative award criteria, in the application of life cycle costing and in contract performance clauses.
In 2021 the EPA published updated national GPP Guidance and national GPP criteria sets for a number of products/sectors/services. For the full calendar year 2024 the following national GPP criteria sets were available:
In July 2024 the EPA published updated national GPP Guidance and Criteria. Nine of the above national criteria sets have been updated and a new criteria set on Furniture and Related Services has been published.
The online GPP Criteria Search facilitates ease of use of the national GPP criteria published by the EPA.
If your organisation procured products/services/works for which national GPP criteria were available, and included GPP criteria from such national GPP criteria in published tender documentation for individual contracts using public funds that are at a value above the applicable EU procurement thresholds please indicate ‘Yes’.
If your organisation procured products/services/works for which national GPP criteria were available, and did not include GPP criteria from such national GPP criteria in published tender documentation for individual contracts using public funds that are at a value above the applicable EU procurement thresholds for all of the products/services/works procured for which national GPP criteria were available, please indicate ‘Partially Implemented’.
Please outline reasons why it was considered not appropriate and proportionate to include GPP criteria from available national GPP criteria in published tender documents.
If your organisation procured products/services/works for which national GPP criteria were available, and did not include GPP criteria from such national GPP criteria in published tender documentation for individual contracts using public funds that are at a value above the applicable EU procurement thresholds for any of the products/services/works procured for which national GPP criteria were available, please indicate ‘No’.
Please outline reasons why it was considered not appropriate and proportionate to include GPP criteria from available national GPP criteria in published tender documents.
If your organisation did not procure products/services/works for which national GPP criteria were available please indicate ‘N/A’.