This help page provides guidance on completing section 3.5 ‘Construction’ of your organisation's Statement on compliance with the 2024 Climate Action Mandate.
§3.5 Construction
3.5.1 Specify low carbon construction methods and low carbon cement material as far as practicable for directly procured or supported construction projects from 2023.
3.5.2 Adhere to the best practice guidelines for the preparation of Resource and Waste Management Plans for construction and demolition projects for directly procured or supported construction projects from 2024.
Has your organisation considered the Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment construction procurement guidance that is available at the following link Procurement guidance for public bodies: Reducing embodied carbon in construction - DETE?
In particular, has your organisation followed the following four steps:
If your organisation is unsure about the implementation of any of these particular aspects please contact
Please summarise steps undertaken.
Please provide an explanation.
Please confirm why this requirement is not applicable to your organisation.
Has your organisation adhered to the Best Practice Guidelines for the Preparation of Resource and Waste Management Plans (EPA, 2021) for directly procured or supported construction projects?
In particular, has your organisation considered the best practice approaches as set out in the guidelines for the following phases of a project:
● Prior to Construction – including the stages of design, planning and procurement in advance of works on site
● During Construction – relating to the effective management of resources and wastes during construction or demolition operations.
For information, best practice approaches include (but not limited to) green public procurement, designing out waste from the construction design, pre-demolition audits, consideration for re-use and recycling opportunities including use of end-of-waste and by-product criteria.
Has a Resource and Waste Management Plan been developed for the project (reflective of the project scale i.e. Tier 1 smaller scale projects, Tier 2 larger scale projects, as set out in the guidelines)?
Please summarise steps undertaken.
Please provide an explanation.
Please confirm why this requirement is not applicable to your organisation.