This help page describes the M&R data input screen for schools called ‘Energy management’. Use this screen to report details on your school's energy management practices.
- This screen displays one or more questions and a text box.
- This screen is visible to all users.
- If your school reviewed its approach to energy management in the year, select ‘Yes’ and tick any of the options that are relevant. The options are described below.
- If your school did not undertake such a review click ‘No’.
- Use the text box to provide commentary on your school's energy management practices and energy performance for the year.
- The An Taisce Green-Schools programme awards a green flag for energy to schools that successfully complete the energy module of the programme.
- SEAI's Energy in Education Programme is a partnership between SEAI and the Department of Education. It offers energy management workshops and an advice, monitoring and assessment service for schools.
- The SEAI Energy Management Questionnaire is a simple diagnostic questionnaire available to assist you in reviewing your energy management performance.
- If you answer ‘Yes’ to the first question, you must select one of the options that appear.
- The text that you enter may be published verbatim by SEAI.