This help page provides guidance on completing section 3.10 'Other materials' of your organisation's Statement on compliance with the 2024 Climate Action Mandate.
§3.10 Other materials
Support Ireland's Producer Responsibility Initiatives in the collection and recycling of products.
Use waste collection services that are segregated into a minimum of 3 streams – residual/general waste, recycling waste and organic/biowaste.
Ensure all suppliers procured for the following products are registered with the relevant producer responsibility schemes:
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Commercial waste regulations
Enhanced Commercial Waste Regulations came into force on July 1st, 2023.
This introduced incentivised waste charging and other changes for waste collection to increase sustainability in the commercial sector.
What the measures in the enhanced regulations will mean for business:
All organisations are obligated to source segregate the waste arising on their premises by, at a minimum, using the 3 bin system to place recyclable material in the mixed dry recyclable bin, organic waste in the “brown” bio-waste bin and all remaining material in the residual waste bin.
Battery boxes can be made available by the appropriate EPR scheme to your area. Delivery and collection of the battery boxes can be requested through the appropriate EPR scheme website, or
Where energy related products are being procured, evidence of registration with the national registration body (PRL) and compliance with obligations for WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) national regulations must be adhered to.
All drinks containers (PET plastic bottles or aluminium/steel cans between 150mls and 3l) should be segregated for return via the Deposit Return Scheme.
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