This help page provides guidance on completing section 4.6 'Zero emission vehicles' of your organisation's Statement on compliance with the 2023 Climate Action Mandate.
§4.6 Zero emission vehicles
Procure (purchase or lease) only zero-emission vehicles from the end of 2022, enabling Ireland to go beyond the requirements of the EU Directive, amending Directive 2009/33/ EC on the promotion of clean and energy-efficient road transport vehicles (EU Directive 2019/1161, the Clean Vehicle Directive) and act as an international leader in this area. An exception applies where the vehicle is exempt under European Communities (Clean and Energy-Efficient Road Transport Vehicles) (Amendment) Regulations (S.I. 381 of 2021). Public sector procurement contracts for delivery and haulage should specify zero emissions vehicles where possible.
Public bodies must report their vehicle procurement contracts and vehicle drawdowns as part of the M&R annual reporting cycle, in order to demonstrate compliance with the Clean Vehicle Directive. The Climate Action Mandate requires public bodies to go beyond the requirements of the Clean Vehicle Directive for the vehicles covered by the directive.
Provide an overview of zero emission vehicles procurements in 2023
Explain why non zero-emission vehicles have been purchased
Confirm that your vehicles are exempt under the CVD requirements.
Provide extract from procurement contacts
Provide explanation
Provide explanation as to why this does not apply